Astrology + Sound at the Winter Retreat (plus New Moon in Capricorn Notes at the end)

Each of us, including the planets (as above, so below) have our own vibrations and colors (light) that we emit into the world. Through time, some of us lose touch with our vital force through the stress and traumas of our human existence. Astrology and Sound are wonderful tools to address some of these powerful “invisible” or subtle forces that influence our daily lives that we can’t always reach with traditional therapies and practices. (Flower essences help immensely, too, with our mental/emotional/spiritual bodies, which we will talk about in the final Winter Retreat blog next week!)

For astrology, similar to gravity, whether you believe in it or not, it will still “work” for you and filter your daily experiences. That said, understanding the timing of planetary influences can greatly impact your own life experience. For example, if you choose to go out on a boat on a sunny day versus a windy, cloudy, rainy day, your perspective and time is going to be greatly altered. The same can go for when you set up a surgery, have a birthday party, start or quit a job, end a relationship, or embark on travel or education to give you some ideas. Astrology is not so general, it can be “sunny” for someone and on the same day it could be “hurricane” weather conditions for another.

In general, from the lens of medical astrology, this month of January calls us all to replenish the vital forces in the body and work with the electrical body. Via electricity, the nervous system sends signals throughout the body and to the brain, making it possible for us to move, think, and feel. This is where our holistic healing practices, including sound healing will come into play. Through mantra yoga (utilizing mantra—words that carry intentional vibrations—with movement) we will balance the body, mind, and heart. Our sound “baths,” where participants lie down and rest will also aim to bring the body to it’s balanced state through a sequence of vibrations, notes, and frequencies aimed for healing and relaxation.

Of all the days in the month of January, our weekend’s astrology is the most supportive for cultivating a sense of hominess, nourishment, and heart healing. A portal will open with the full moon in Cancer for us to heal deeply seated karmic patterning and family wounds. We will move into the subconscious realm and work with the current planetary energies to release our own “stuff” that no longer is alive but still hanging on. This lunation calls for enjoying yourself and even singing (we will chant if you wish to participate!). It’s also a good time for family connection. Many of our community are actually celebrating family during this weekend and are unavailable, to which we say, good on you! This moon supports to be home during this weekend (in a non-codependent and conscious way). Otherwise if you can get yourself over the drama of family life, please come and know we are holding space for you to reset and nourish yourself so that you can be a better family member and be in community with your star family.

Unlike other events, we do not generally pick the retreat weekend based on astrology, we have always held the retreat over the first weekend of January because there is also an extra numerological boost we get at the beginning of the New Year. That said, we are very lucky and fortunate that this final retreat happened to magically land on this weekend…or did it? Sometimes events are chosen subconsciously to get the experience our soul and vibration is aligned with at the moment.

We will do our best to honor the nurture nature of this weekend, and on the note of fate and destiny, it would be a missed opportunity to not call out the current New Moon in Capricorn energy (that happened earlier this morning). If you have time today, carve out even 15 minutes to get quiet. Light a candle, grab your journal or notebook and tune into any wishes you hold for your big life goals. Now is the time to feel into what you want to accomplish in your life that will bring you happiness. Where on your path are you supporting this vision? If you do not know what that is, ask for it to be revealed.

Themes that surround this lunation are where do you want/need to work hard in your life? What opportunities are available right now to you that you may have overlooked? How can you take steps and make a plan to accomplish what you want in life? Where do you need to take more responsibility for your life? And most important, what reality do you want to make happen in the upcoming year? Utilize the energy of today to lay down a strong foundation for the year ahead.

And come to our retreat if it is calling to you! Registration will close on Tuesday, 12/27/22. Payment plans are available should that allow for more ease.

With love and until next week~
