Subtle Body Medicine: Healing Your Soul with Flower Essences

While you may not have heard of flower essences before, they are nothing new and a form of medicine modern society re-“discovered.” For centuries aboriginal and other communities that lived in alignment with the higher laws of nature—from all over the world—saw and utilized the dew drops from flowers as a means for healing. For example, in the 15th century, Paracelsus, a Swiss physician wrote that he collected dew drops from plants and diluted them to help his patients with emotional healing. Many prominent healers in different places made note of these powerful yet subtle remedies dating as far back as the Egyptians, over 3,000 years ago.

Flashing forward to the more recent years (the 1900s), Dr. Edward Bach came to revive or share with those who had forgotten, the healing power of this energy medicine through his popular kit of 38 flower remedies in England. Later, in the 1980s, Ian White (Australia) created his own kit and many readily available blends that were being sold in health stores. In the same time frame, in 1979, Richard Katz and Patricia Kaminski founded Flower Essence Society (FES) in California (America).

Now flower essences are used all over the world again with hundreds, maybe thousands of people who are producing and selling their own kits. Flower essences are readily available and used in many health settings, for example, orphanages in South America have claimed that essences have reduced their health care bill by 70%. While still not totally popular or accepted/known by mainstream health communities, for those of us who have found them, they are a safe, life changing ally and do wonders for emotional and spiritual support in these challenging times.

Flower essences became part of my healing journey back in 2010 when I was in the thick of completing my masters degree in holistic health. At the time I had what I would call a mental block. I was spinning with too many ideas as well as holding many emotions about the research process and the politics of graduate level studies. I was frozen in my ability to think and communicate properly, and I needed to finish my thesis. It was the beginning of me understanding the complexity of my mind and mental health, in particular the ADHD brain even though I didn’t have words for it at the time. I was enrolled in an Herbalism course and seeing an herbalist, and she gave me the flower essence Madia from the FES kit. It helped me immediately breakthrough from my block, focus, and move forward with my project.

Since then flower essences have helped me and my family with anxiety, depression, and ADHD, to name a few. In 2014, I started seeing clients after I graduated from my herbalist training, and I worked primarily with flower essences. I’ve helped countless people get off of their medications for things such as sleep, anxiety, and depression, with the use of these simple, yet powerful flower essences.

For purposes of this blog, I cannot possibly share all the wonders and inner working that flower essences gift to us, but I can say that when we take a remedy together in a group, there is a sort of synergy that comes about in the healing. Everyone is a unique vibration and will be impacted differently, but all in all, there is a release that happens that is different when a group of individuals come together with the shared intention to heal ourselves on a deeper level.

You do not need to believe in flower essences for them to work. They are safe for everyone* as they have no physical reactivity to other drugs / they are not contraindicated with medication because they work on the energy level. They simply bind to the parts of you that are not you, and help remove those blocks in your life that prevent your soul from shining.

Every year there are themes that come through with the participants at the Winter Retreat. Sometimes I am able to collect a little data on what people are facing. What challenges they are going through. This year when reading the replies I received the most information I have from years past. People are ready to change. They are more aware than ever before of their psychological shortcomings and patterns.

I will not share all the details of the essence here as it is still being formulated, but I will say themes around breaking through family karma and trauma/patterning is on deck as well as opening up ourselves to more intimacy in our lives, and finding clarity in our soul’s mission/life purpose. Some special stars in the sky have been coming in to help me make this essence as well, namely Chiron (the wounded healer)’s wife—Chariklo. (She is pictured in the image that was created by William Geise in the graphic shared above). I didn’t really know her well until I began formulating this blend.

It continues to be an absolute gift and a pleasure for me to create this bouquet of healing friends for us to sip into our own life form. I liken taking a flower essence to being able to sit against a tree, basking in their aura and energy vibration. Lifting us to a place we can remember our own Soul form and shape.

Whether you join us at the retreat or not, I hope that you learned something new here and maybe feel energized to learn more about flower essences and how they can support our individual and collective evolution.

There are still a few spots left to stay the weekend with us, and we will officially close registration on 1/2. We have an option to join us for the day on 1/7. If you would like information on that, please email me at

Until then, have a blessed close to the year! I wish you the best in 2023!

With love,


*The remedy is traditionally made with alcohol and then diluted. For people who are alcohol-free, you can have an essence made with vegetable glycerin. Even so there may be trace amounts of alcohol, and in that case you can apply it topically instead of ingesting if you are worried.